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President and Founder, SBGR


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President and Founder, SBGR

Sarah Blackwood is an experienced legislative and federal public policy strategist with particular expertise in transportation and energy issues and a broad range of government affairs capabilities.


Sarah combines 20 years of experience in the executive branch, on Capitol Hill, the private sector and has guided clients from Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, non-profits, universities, and labor unions to success in Washington, DC.


Prior to launching SBGR LLC, Sarah spent three years as a senior government relations consultant and excelled at understanding her clients’ unique challenges and helped translate their business objectives into strategic roadmaps. Her ability to deliver successful outcomes for her clients is due to persistence, hard work, and the lobbying know-how to get things done in Washington.


Sarah’s experience in public service included a political appointment at the U.S. Department of Energy as the Legislative Affairs Director for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). The office she oversaw was the liaison between congressional authorizing committees, EERE technology offices, and the Office of Management and Budget.


Before her appointment at U.S. DOE, Sarah spent roughly nine years on Capitol Hill in several legislative positions for Congressman Martin Frost (Texas) and Congressman Jerry Costello (Illinois). From 2009- 2012, Sarah was Congressman Costello’s Legislative Director and served as Professional Committee Staff on the U.S. House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure. Her responsibilities included managing and leading the Congressman’s policy agenda and legislative staff. Sarah was the Congressman’s point person in conference negotiations for the 2012 highway bill, known as MAP-21 and the 2012 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act.


Working for two moderate Democrats, Sarah forged relationships in both parties to advance the Congressmen’s efforts to best represent their constituents.


Sarah is a native of Cleveland, Ohio and she resides in Northern Virginia with her husband and two boys.


Affiliations: Women’s Energy Network (WEN) and Washington Aero Club


Education: Bachelor of Arts, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri; Master in Public Policy, University of Sydney, Australia


Volunteer: Humane Rescue Alliance


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